Truly inspiring... Thoughtfully provoking.. Necessary reading...

Magnus Scanterbury

It is not complicated like other English text books.

Rayvonne Heggs

Why didn’t I have this book when I first entered college?


A good book for beginners like me.

Andy Liu
College student

It has helped me to develop a much better and firm way to write an essay, one which has really worked for me and boosted my

Jhemson Amecia

To me, the book has been a mathematical solution to the problems of writing a research paper.

Karen Romero

The book is really helping me a lot in the process of writing, and I think it will help me to improve my skills on how to write well.

Francisco Pallasco

I use the methods and strategies in this book in other courses and even in my job, and I am more organized now.  Thanks!

Tabia Rudder

The information in this book is the basis for the rest of writing courses.

Elizabeth Guzman

Writing essays used to be my Kryptonite.
Now, I am the kryptonite of essays.

Cesar Cantos

This English class has helped me gain so much useful information that I will need for my future classes.

Cynthia Daberlui

The confidence that I have gained from taking this class has given me the push I need to go off and write efficient and clear essays.

Cherill Eugene

This class helped nourish my writing and allowed me to grow as a writer.  I learned how to articulate my ideas and express myself.

Whitney Armstrong

I can truly say that my knowledge and my ability to write has been taken to the next level.  I am so thankful.

Nikki Jean-Baptiste

I learned everything I needed to know on how to write and I loved it.

Elise Batista

I now have the correct structure in my papers, and I use the correct punctuation.

Maria Menis

I learned in a clear way how to connect my ideas together in an essay.  It also taught me the difference between an essay and a research paper. 

Andrea Coronel

I learned all the techniques to becoming a better writer.  One of the techniques was learning to make a plan before writing an essay.

S. Hughes

This class taught me how to how to organize my writings, to develop a topic, and how to express my ideas on paper in a grammatically correct way. 

N Rusyn

I use this book to prepare my daughter who is in high school.  My friends in the office think it is very helpful.

Ms. Davis

I want to congratulate you for such great work! Your book, How to Write Effective Essays & Research Papers, is the most efficient literature on those subjects that I have ever read. You are a great mentor!

Nair Marques

Because I applied the methods and structure from my English class to my Psychology papers, my grade has improved.

Lamar Scott
Nursing Student

For the first time I clearly understand how to create a thesis.
I will share your book with my son who is in high school.

Ken Jones
The University of the West Indies

This book has the fundamentals of good writing. I read it, and I recommend it for high school students also.

Pheo Caesar –McQueen