Calling All Students!

In this book (How to Write Effective Essays and Research Papers) you will learn how to structure, or organize an essay, and any, or every essay will become much easier to write.

English books comprise of hundreds of pages, and they demand so much from students in a semester.  Students are asked to browse through, brainstorm, free write, and make temporary suggestions until they can come up with a final solution.

Most students know that an essay has an introduction (opening paragraph), body (developing paragraphs), and the conclusion (closing paragraph).  Students are supposed to figure out and develop the parts of an essay, without an exact strategy.  How to develop these three parts become most students’ problems.

Along with readings from other courses, students are left in a somewhat confused state. Sometimes in trying to understand and develop the writing process, the gist of the essay gets lost, and many students go into despair. 

This book has exact formulas, whereby every part of the essay is precisely set out.   Each part is set out in simple details.  For example, every building should have a proper structural design.  A skeletal structure will be set down first and the rest of the construction will proceed quite easily.  Similarly, the essay must have a structure.  When this structure is set down, the essay will flow quite easily. Simple formulas are included to assist students.

The lessons and formulas in this book will prepare you for any writing course-History, Psychology, Anthropology etc.  Remember every writing course is to be presented in a well-organized manner. The learning process in this book is essential when writing other courses. 

When you begin reading this book, you should write at least two essays per week.  These essays should be taken to a Writing Center, or to someone who will correct your errors, and you should avoid those errors as you write each week.  Statistics show that at least three essays per week for eight weeks bring students up to college level writing.


In the Classroom



Students of English 101




Students of English 103




Example # 1

The first step when writing an essay is to read the topic a few times to understand exactly what is asked.  For example, if the topic is “Three major forms of Transportation”, you must analyze this very carefully.  Notice you are to respond to an exact number (three).  You should not write two, or four forms, because you think you can respond better.  No! If you do different, you have already failed what is asked.

  1. You must think of three major forms of transportation.
  2.  On a blank page, jot down three major forms of transportation, one below the other.
  3. Now write a paragraph on each.  

Do you know that you have just written an organized body of an essay, because you stuck to the main points?

Example # 2
If your friend asked you, “What did you do at the party Saturday night?” 
Think back, and your response may be:

  1.  I had many drinks, I met my old school friends, and ate a lot of food.  These are your three main points, or things you did at the party.
  2. On a blank page you can jot down these three points, one below the other.
  3. You can now tell your friend in detail about what happened on Saturday night, or you can write a paragraph on each.  In both cases you have done a well-organized body of an essay.  Notice you did not stray when you spoke on each point.

This is the primary place to begin shaping your essays.  “How to Write..” will eventually teach you how to develop a precise introduction and the conclusion, but the main focus here must be to clearly understand the body (developing paragraphs) of the essay.  To move from an essay to a research paper is extremely easy, but the essay must be dealt with in details first.  To write longer papers (15-20pages) is based chiefly on the lessons learnt in the body of the essay.



For all the intricate methods and formulas of writing that have made you hesitant,
you now have an approach to essay writing and research papers to make you confident.

Everything has a great purpose
Every person should have a plan
          Even when they seem beyond us

          Even then we must take a stand

                  Reading and writing have a goal
                  Reading and writing make you see
                          How to make timely plans unfold
                          How to be what you want to be



     To set your thoughts free
So that others can see
To clear your mind
Even though you are blind
To let others learn
So that they might not get “burn”
To indicate good from bad
To bring joy to the sad
Whether it's a new invention
Or just a mild instruction
   To communicate
To indicate
Write, Write, you'll have to agree
’Cause writing means so much to me